Worms in humans

Types of worms in humans

Worms, or helminths, are parasitic worms that live at the expense of the animals and plants that feed and reproduce inside living organisms. We are not an exception.

Worms in humans

- According to statistics, every third inhabitant of the Country is infected with worms-parasites. The default is that there is an adult human, whose life he has been living in the body is not a worm, said well-known online therapist, family doctor.

At home almost all worms parasitic worms called people, not thinking about how a lot of really different kinds of these nasty creatures.

All of the parasitic worms that can exist in the human body, there are three main categories:

  • nematodes belonging to round helminths: pinworm, whipworm, Trichinella, roundworm;
  • tape or flat worms that include cestodes (different tapeworm, tapeworms and tapeworm);
  • parasites-flukes, or trematodes, causing opisthorchiasis, the tribe to be able to cause liver disease, schistosomiasis, paragonimoz, and other ailments.

The causes of worms in humans

The collective name for the diseases caused by worms, - helminthiasis. It occurs when the human body gets the larvae or eggs of worms. This can occur for the following reasons:

  • one does not follow the basic rules of hygiene: not washing hands after walking in the street, when visiting clients or after using the toilet, don't wash them before eating;
  • the cause of worms in humans is often nail-biting, sucking fingers, hold in the mouth a variety of items: pens, pencils;
  • the risk of infection with worms is great if you have Pets, especially walking the streets.
    Although timely anthelmintic treatment of dogs and cats may spread worm eggs, imported from street paws, fur, - said the doctor.
  • worms can get infected if not treated with hot water, vegetables, fruits, berries, vegetables, you are going to eat;
  • it is dangerous to use raw water from an unknown source or to wash her dishes;
  • untreated properly, meat and fish – a chance to get infected. The use of poorly heat-treated bovine - bovarius tapeworm, pork, pork tapeworm, a little salt and raw fish lives in the tapeworm;
  • catching the worms can be in the house if it is rarely cleaned, use street shoes, avoid washing floors;
  • worms can be transmitted from an infected person if you share dishes, bedding, you long to be with him in the same room.

It is clear that most of the causes of worms in humans comes down to poor hygiene. Who is watching them, their house and their Pets, he may never encounter these parasites.

Treatment of worms in humans

Treatment of worms in humans deals with the doctor, if the patient is an adult or a pediatrician if the child has worms.

- In fact worms to deal with in any case is not: drugs used in the treatment of helminthiasis, a fairly heavy body - said the doctor.

Generally, treatment of worms in humans is used in the complex treatment, which the goal is not only to destroy the parasites, but to eliminate the consequences of their action. Therefore, one of the de-vermis drugs, to do the unlikely. In addition, we often take care of all the family members, because people in the narrow circle easily infect each other.

Along with the medications can be prescribe vitamins and enzymes, which improve digestion. More effective treatment of worms a man has to follow a diet, limit carbohydrates: the sweet, starchy foods.

- If the family has Pets, they should be anthelmintic treatment twice a year, otherwise all the efforts of the treatment is in vain, said the doctor.

What drugs can I use?

Worms – the issue is quite sensitive, it pushes many people into self-medication. Advertising should say, that pills can instantly solve the problem. However, many do not realize that every current requirement is that before you apply, you need to consult with your doctor. These are not mere words, we have said that drugs against worms is a very serious and can cause damage when uncontrolled admission.

Treatment of worms in humans is used:

  • de-worming drugs – they destroy the worms;
  • antihistamines, which help if you are allergic to massively die of parasites;
  • chelators, which remove harmful substances and waste products of parasites.
  • iron preparations, vitamin B12, folic acid helps with anemia.
  • medications to protect the liver.
  • probiotics.

The most commonly used high-level and low-toxic drugs.

- Diversity of medication determined by the physician, infectious diseases, the results of objective examination of the complaints of the patient, - said the therapist.

Traditional methods of treatment

Like a popular treatment of worms in children and adults can eat dried pumpkin seeds. According to the doctors, they contain a cucurbit as, destroys worms. However, relying on the amazing healing worms pumpkin seeds is not necessary.

Parasites settle in the body, is very dangerous. No serious treatment under the supervision of medical complications can occur: the worms spread throughout the body. They can invade the gall bladder and its ducts, get the ducts of the pancreas. Parasites can cause intestinal obstruction and anemia - reduction of hemoglobin level.

High quality water against the worms

At home, use only high-quality water, this will prevent you from seeing parasites.

When you want to go to the doctor?

If there is a suspicion of helminthiasis need to make an appointment to see a doctor: therapist, pediatrician or doctor morbis infectio o.

The most common symptoms of worms in humans is:

  • malaise, weakness, fatigue;
  • allergies, for example, rash, cough, asthma attacks;
  • decreased or increased appetite;
  • nausea, vomiting, no toxicity;
  • abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • weight loss, although appetite is good;
  • sleep disorders, insomnia;
  • inflamed or enlarged lymph nodes;
  • the temperature rise without reason;
  • pain in muscles and joints without the stress;
  • snoring or teeth grinding during sleep;
  • the presence of worms in the feces;
  • itching in the anus (often from pinworms).

- There are two stages of the helminth infections: acute and chronic. Lasts for the first 2-8 weeks after ingestion of the parasite in the body. Most often, this season is a serious allergic reaction to helminth. About two months later, the acute phase becomes chronic and is already symptoms depend on the cause, which the person picked up, and its habitat, explains the doctor.

Prevention of worms in humans

The most important rule for the prevention of worms in humans, we have a tendency to be absorbed in childhood, sometimes does not comply with:

  • Should wash their hands with soap before eating, after toilet, after Hiking outside.
  • You need to wash vegetables, fruits, herbs, and after taking a shower "rinse" them with boiling water.
  • Meat, fish and seafood require long cooking.
  • Home use only high quality, safe water.
  • Each family member should have personal hygiene and food.
  • The house is kept clean regularly wet cleaning.
  • Pets need to regularly run on prophylactic anthelmintic treatment.